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Friday, September 01, 2006

Getting the Most from the Millionaire Mind Intensive Weekend - Tip #1

I have a whole list of tips and lessons learned for getting the most out of the Millionaire Mind Intensive Weekend Program (MMI). I had the opportunity to attend this magical weekend event two times, once in October of 2005 and again in May of 2006.

Why would I go again, you ask?

It was such an amazing experience. I wanted to reinforce what I learned, I wanted to learn more (there's a lot to absorb in one sitting), and I wanted to take others to share the experience: my sister, Janice and my good friend Jackye.

I started my list of tips while attending the first time. I followed my own tips when attending the second time and I also added to the list.

Tip #1:
Plan ahead for your weekend. Arrange for your absence. This means take care of whatever usually comes up ahead of time. You will NOT want to be getting phone calls while you are at this seminar.

If you are serious about resetting your financial thermostat, you will want to focus your weekend entirely on the workshop. It's an exciting and fun opportunity for you! Don't short-change yourself by not planning ahead.

Make arrangements for your kids to have a fun weekend; plan another special time just for your spouse or significant other - or better yet, bring them with you; and tell your busines associates that you will not be available. This is one time when planning ahead will really pay off.


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