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It is valuable training to learn early in life.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wealth File #2: Are You Playing the Money Game to Win...or Not to Lose?

Wow! The question itself is profound. Which are YOU doing?

Rich people play the money game to WIN.
Poor people play the money game not to lose.

Can you hear the difference in those two statements? Can you see how playing to win is different from playing not to lose?

If you are getting a sense that this distinction is something big, read on…

As Harv Eker explains in his best-selling book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", it’s like the difference between playing offense and playing defense.

It’s focusing on survival and security instead of wealth and abundance.

What’s wrong with security, you ask?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

But it’s not wealth.

If you want real wealth, you’re not talking about being able to pay the bills and go on an extra nice vacation twice a year.

Lest all this talk about money be turning you off, consider this….

Wealth (in my view) is not simply money. Wealth encompasses the full range of “things” one wants in their life: love, health, spirituality, time...and yes, money.

A life of wealth and abundance is filled with these things, not because you bought them (you’re smart enough to know you can’t buy these things) but because you were in a position to be able to focus on them and to develop them to the depth and levels that you desire.

And let’s face it, when you are poor, you simply don’t have the time to focus on anything but your lack of money and all the problems and misery it is creating in your life.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to be a pauper to be “poor”. As you’ll begin to see as you are reading the book, being “poor” is as much a state of mind as it is a state of your finances…and it’s that “poor” mentality that gets and keeps you stuck.

It’s like saying to yourself each day, “I don’t have time to be rich, I have to keep doing all these other things so I can pay the bills.”

Absurd? Then why are you doing it?

Get yourself off that track! Get the book and get going!

Click here to get your copy of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind today.

Get your Limited Edition Special FREE Tickets now! (valued at $1,295 Each) to attend the Millionaire Mind Weekend:

Click the link above and get ready for the change in your life that you have been waiting to happen!

Bring your kids!
It is valuable training to learn early in life.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Free Tele-Session with Harv Eker -- Listen Now!

Meet Harv Eker via telephone on a free recorded call as he discusses:

  • The 5 critical ways rich people think differently than the poor and middle class.

  • The hidden cause of almost all financial problems.

  • How your childhood conditioning is affecting you financially today.

  • Why knowledge and skill do not create wealth.

  • How to attract so-called "luck" with money and success.

  • How to train your "mind" to work for you instead of against you.
If you want to hear from Harv himself, this is a don't miss opportunity - you can listen now to this free call or download the recording and listen later.

Click to get the Free Recording with Harv Eker

Listen now or Download the Recording
and listen later.
Whichever you choose, don't miss it!

Millionaire Mind | Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth | T. Harv Eker | Building Wealth
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind | Millionaire Mind Intensive
Book Review | Free Teleclass