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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Great Feedback From Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Intensive - Reviews

Here's what a few other attendees had to say - these reviews of the Millionaire Mind Intensive are comments directly from attendees that were written out and given to T. Harv Eker. He shared them so others could hear from past attendees.

You already know about my great experience - it's outlined throughout this blog (especially the early posts). Read these comments from others and then get your two free tickets and find out for yourself what a difference it can make in your life.

Reviews - Millionaire Mind Intensive:

“Since I attended your program one year ago, my net worth has skyrocketed! Last year my net
worth was about $90,000, now it is close to half a million. I can’t thank you enough.”
--Catherine Hallock

“Eighteen months ago, we were over $150,000 in debt. We are now debt-fre.e and we own two
companies worth over a quarter of a million dollars.”
--Daniel Donaghy

“At the age of 18, I attended my first Millionaire Mind Intensive. Now, 19 months later, I’m 20,
financially fre.e, and make over 5 figures a month in passive income. Your courses have helped
me manifest my dream life!”
--Trinity de la Cruz

“Within 3-4 days after attending the seminar, I received the largest check I’ve ever received to
date. And now, almost 2 weeks later, there is cash left over and my next check will be here in
a couple of days.”
--Jody Weigel

You can have a similar experience, too! Still deciding - well at least get your tickets. They're FREE! Just click the link at the top or bottom of this article.


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