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Monday, September 04, 2006

Why Buy the Book?

That's a fair question. Here are my thoughts on why buying this book is a good investment in your financial future:

Your financial blueprint - that unconscious belief you have about the level of success that is yours to achieve (somewhere between high and mediocre) - is not going to change on its own.

It was set during your early years by the environment in which you were raised: things said and done either with you or in your presence by teachers, parents, friends and society in general.

It just makes sense, doesn't it? We are all shaped in some way by the world around us. Children don't know how to 'decifer and sort' information. With no financial frame of reference, they absorb things as truth.

There is a big difference between the person who expects success and the person who doesn't really believe it's going to happen.

Harv Eker uses illustrations, simple exercises and sometimes just a well-placed question to open the door to your personal exploration and discovery of just what your internal beliefs, values and feelings are about money and how these are impacting your level of financial success today.

One key point he makes is that the hidden feelings that you have about money are critical in determining your level of success.

Think about it...

If, on some level, for example, you believe "money is the root of all evil", are you really going to do things that confirm or verify that you are evil?

Not if your subconscious has anything to do with it! Ergo - you aren't going to achieve or sustain wealth.

We all have our own set of unique beliefs. Yours may be different from the one used above to illustrate. The point is...

The inner game of wealth is about discovering what you really believe about money and success.

It's about uncovering those beliefs that are hidden from your daily thoughts, setting them out in the light to examine, and then dispelling the myths so you can get on with achieving your goals.

You will experience many 'aha' moments while reading this book as you begin to realize the nature of your inner beliefs and how they have shaped the actions you have taken over the years to achieve - or not achieve.

It's an eye-opening experience.

Click here to get your copy today.


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