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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Getting the Most from the Millionaire Mind Intensive Weekend - Tip #2

Take your spouse or significant other. It’s a great opportunity for getting on the same page. I spoke with one couple who said the experience helped explain a lot of the financial disagreements they had been having, opening the door to much better communications.

"If you're fighting about money, it's probably because your financial blueprints don't match. Read this book and watch your relationships transform."

- John Gray, Author
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

However, don’t decide not to go if your spouse or significant other is not interested or won’t accompany you. Some will, some won’t.

Don’t get hung up on what yours wants to do. This is something you are doing for yourself.

You should know, however, that you will be a different person when you leave the program. In the days following the program, your spouse or significant other will say things in normal conversation and you will be struck by the realization that you are not in the same place that you were before…and you probably won’t be able to articulate that in any way that they will understand.

You will have a new sense of possibilities and a new determination. YOU will have a millionaire mind!


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